Annual Practice Launch (CNLOPB)


The objective of this course is to enable lifeboat coxswains to maintain their skills through simulation augmented lifeboat drills.  This course meets the Annual Practice Launch requirement contained in Interpretation Note 11-01 published by the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board.


  • This program consists of simulation training using a simulator meeting industry guidelines and that is substantially similar to the equipment fitted onboard the facility.

Simulation-Based Practical Training Exercises

  • Perform Pre-Launch Checks

  • Launch a Survival Craft from an Installation

  • Operate Sprinkler and Air Systems

  • Steer visually and by Compass

  • Execute a Search Pattern

  • Recover a Person-in-Water

  • Tow Liferafts and other Vessels

  • Emergency Radio Communications

DURATION: 2 hours / per candidate

TRAINING LOCATION: Canada - 47 Bremigen’s Blvd, Paradise, NL or Onboard

VALIDITY: One (1) Year

Note: Training in Twin-Fall, Single-Fall and Freefall Lifeboats is available.